Morning Motivation to Start Your Day: Mantras
Between deciding what to wear or what to eat my mind is all over the place. I have a hard time getting up when my first alarm goes off. I want to hit snooze constantly. In doing so I wind up adding stress to my morning. It's easier to sleep than think about what I have to do and how I'm going to do it.
If you've slumping around, dreading the start of the day like I used to, try using a daily mantra to motivate you.
I've found that I get less overwhelmed throughout the day when I start off with positive affirmation. Having a mantra is not only easy, but it's a key to success and being productive. You may not want to get out of bed because the day is daunting and long. You have multiple meetings and deadlines. You made an appointment right after class and have to rush. You might have made a huge mistake at work or in class and are feeling humiliated. You have to give a speech to a room full of people. The list goes on and on. But - you're day doesn't have to be bad, it can be really awesome if you realize you can do it.
When I was transitioning into a new segment of my life I had a lot to deal with. Being pulled every which way was exhausting. Eventually, I pin pointed what was keeping me back and came up with my own mantra to enhance my day.
What Are You Afraid Of?
If you're afraid of making a fool of yourself then you're concerned about you abilities. Reaffirm what you're capable of and it'll only be a matter of time before you start to realize you can actually do it.
"I am capable of change and can handle any situation."
If you're concerned about how you look, replace those negative thoughts or judgement with positive ones. When a negative thought enters your head, repeat your mantra and focus on the statement. If you agonize over how unruly your hair is or how many curves you have add it into the mantra.
"I am beautiful and I love my body for it is strong and mine."
Or if you're easily discouraged by other opinions, take a breath and acknowledge yourself. Give yourself a moment to drain out their voices and reaffirm who you are and why you're awesome!
"I am unique and am driven to achieve a life I want."
Don't know where to start yet? Here's some great expressive ones that you could use and print out for visual encouragement! What mantras do you have that keep you going through the day? Tweet me @gabalistic and let me know!
I hope you have an amazing day!
Twitter & Instagram @gabalistic
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