Stop Making New Years Resolutions

It's that time of year again. Champagne bubbles in slender flutes, confetti sparkles on tables and clothes, and the ever present resolutions are spoken with such conviction - you almost believe the one that rolls of your tongue.

The thing with New Years resolutions is that they last as long as the hangover you have the next day. It's painfully annoying and makes everything a struggle. To be honest  I'm pretty superstitious about New Years. Dont get me wrong - it's a great time of year with all the dancing and delightful beverages (champagne duh). I know a lot of people feel like New Years is a game changer and that making a New Years resolution is the key to having a successful year but it's kind of hit me that this notion is ridiculous. We make a resolution, hope to keep it, pretend to try and then come March it's like we didn't even come up with one. 

Why am I superstitious about New Years - cause it foreshadows how the rest of my year will go essentially. Call me crazy but I feel like there's always something that happens that resonates to how the rest of the year will go. its been a constant whether it's negative like someone revealing who they really are or a positive highlight like reconnecting with a friend and forming a stronger bond. It's all played out throughout the next 365 days. 

So here's my reasoning on why making a New Years resolution is a waste of time. You've been living on this planet for x amount of years and just the change in day is not going to magically make you better. Do it today, even if it's a small benign attempt - do it today. Don't wait til the new year rolls around as if it's going to make you a magnificent human being. 

If you see a resolution as something to aspire to achieve, call it a goal. Make as many as you want. Don't make resolutions to take away from what you have because you'll surely fail. If you want to start eating better or stop smoking set a daily goal or minor. I eat terribly, like it's embarrassing the things I eat and when I eat them. My goal for 2017 is to swap out my morning bowl of lucky charms with a protein shake (yay Adulting). 

Whether you're struggling with how you look or who you want to be everything takes time. i remember the anticipation that filled my stomach last year, I was about to start a whole new adventure and I miss that feeling. I miss the fulfillment of getting out d my comfort zone, achieving a new goal, going somewhere new... All of it. In a way that's what resolutions are for many people, the start of something new. But event silly they crumble and the task is too daunting and the word resolution falls flat like a deflated balloon.

So once again, don't make resolutions. Make a promise. Make a promise to be better than you were yesterday. Make a promise to be responsible, to be happy, to live more and hurt less. At the end of the day when the champagne has run out, the streamers have fallen to the floor in a heap, and the music has ended your promise to yourself is still there. Don't wait for New Years to come to your rescue or be your excuse. Make lists, make a collage, make a note, if you need extra motivation check out this site and print your own list to hold yourself accountable. If you want change, you gotta do something different and the new day isn't going to make it happen, only you can. 

Happy New Years xx


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